Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Jeremiah 32:40 Meditation/Memory

"And I will make and everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. And I will put the fear of me in their hearts, that they will not turn from me." Jeremiah 32:40

When we experience relational pain through being wronged or deeply disappointed by someone we've shared life with- when we fail to find as much common ground as we'd hoped for- sometimes it can feel easier to abandon the relationship altogether. The last several years of the pandemic have epitomized how it can become increasingly difficult to countenance those who hold opposing convictions on politically/socially charged issues. It's just easier to ignore such people, or at least to find ways to avoid them if you have to be in the same room. It's just feels easier to turn away.

This week's passage in Jeremiah takes place while Jerusalem is under siege by Babylon- Jeremiah is locked up by King Zedekiah for prophesying Jerusalem's defeat through the word of the Lord given to him. 

Yet it's in this context that the Lord gives Jeremiah a tangible vision of His promise for their restoration. He has Jeremiah purchase a field in spite of the pending defeat, and tells him to keep the purchase deeds secure because He will one day rebuild His city and gather His people in it 

God doesn't sugar coat the reasons for Jerusalem's fall- He doesn't sweep away Israel's sin under the rug.  He clearly calls them a people who have "done nothing but provoke me to anger," who have "turned to me their back and not their face". And it is to such a people that our memory verse is spoken. 

Knowing that Israel had not the ability in themselves to keep the covenant of Moses, He promises to make a new covenant- one in which He accomplishes and provides all that Israel would need to stay in right relationship with Him. To a people who persistently turned their faces away from Him- the Lord in His mercy refuses to turn away from them; He will not turn away from doing good to them. Not only that, the Lord does not do so begrudgingly- he will rejoice in doing them good (Jer. 32:41)! Israel has no merit in herself to lay claim to such mercy! 

For us who live on the other side of Jesus' death and resurrection, we know this new covenant was ultimately fulfilled through the gospel of Jesus Christ. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh could not do, by sending His own son in the likeness of sinful flesh, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement would be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit (Romans 8:3-4). Those who trust in the work of Christ alone have been given the Holy Spirit, who will lead.us into all truth and conform us into the image of our Creator. 

I encourage you read all of Jeremiah 32- God gives a such a beautiful and merciful vision of what He has for His people in the face of their faithlessness. And to know that all of this is truly fulfilled for those who have His Spirit now through faith in Christ is worth heartily rejoicing over! We worship a God who rejoices in doing us good, even through our hardships, even through our waywardness and stumbling! May the Lord who keeps us in in His love grant us the grace to continually turn to Him in repentance, to seek His strength continually. And may His Spirit increasingly make us a people who will adopt and embody this same ethic to turn towards one another in the face of conflict, hurt and disappointment. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

2023 - A weekly/biweekly verse to meditate on and memorize...


This is Elder Mike. Two years ago, I decided to start a journey of regularly memorizing passages from scripture based on an old flip-binder I had purchased decades ago coming out of college (yes, I am old). They were called "Fighter Verses"- meant to help followers of Jesus keep the sword of the Spirit in their hearts and minds so as to wage war against the schemes of the devil. For those who are interested in coming along this journey, I'll be sharing a short passage hopefully at least every two weeks, and provide a brief comment on it. I'm not theologically trained like Pastor David, but I hope something simple like this will be of encouragement for any of us who would like to grow in loving God's word. May the Spirit speak and move among us as He ordains- as the Lord's word certainly will not go forth and return void, but will accomplish His purpose. 

Jeremiah 29:11-14a "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the LORD." (ESV 2001)

As I briefly touched upon this morning in Sunday service, these words were written as part of a letter from prophet Jeremiah to the Israelites in Judah who had been taken into exile in Babylon. In accordance with His word, the Lord uprooted them from Jerusalem for their idolatry and faithlessness to God's law (Jeremiah 25). The temple in Jerusalem was razed, its treasures looted, and the city walls were torn down (2 Chronicles 36:15-21). So the recipients of this word are a subjugated people severed from their homeland, and having witnessed and survived the ravages of being conquered, are receiving just punishment from the LORD. 

But God wasn't going to leave them that way indefinitely. Even in the midst of their punishment, the Lord speaks words of hope to them, reassuring them that He is decidedly NOT done with them as His people,  but has good plans for them. Even as Judah suffers the consequences of their own evil, He reminds them that He desires and ordains plans for their wholeness (that word is "welfare" in more updated translations) and not for evil- moreover, He still wants to be found by them! He still wants wholehearted fellowship with His wayward people! 

This was God's heart for Israel, and His heart hasn't changed for His people, including us His Church, whom He bought with the precious blood of Christ. 

As we walk into 2023, may the Holy Spirit grant us hearts that seek Him earnestly, with our whole hearts, and may we remember that no matter what kind of hardship we walk through together as a body of believers together at EACF (as well as individually)- that the Lord has plans ultimately for our good through it all. 

Grace, Peace, and Love,


P.S. The Fighter Verses have been updated and revised over the years, so I'm going to share a link for those of you would like to take a look.  https://www.fighterverses.com/verse-index. They also provide some practical tips/tools to help both parents and children alike to memorize scripture: https://www.fighterverses.com/tools

Ephesians 4:29 Memory/Meditation

 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, so that it gives grac...