Monday, January 15, 2018

Forty Days of Prayer Day 15

Let's cover our community with prayer, inwardly with EACF and outwardly toward the larger community.

Luke 19:41 ESV
"And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it"

Day 15 - Prayer for EACF's Mission and Vision
Today we're going to start praying for our spheres of influence, starting with a general prayer over our larger community. Jesus wept twice in the Gospels; once because of Lazarus's death and the people mourning him, and once because of Jerusalem's separation from God. Have you ever thought about the lostness of our entire community? Most surveys show that maybe 20-40% of our Atlanta suburban community may actually be saved. That means out of 100 people around you, 60-80 of them do not know Jesus as their Savior. You see the signs of it. Pray to have God's heart for our community, and pray for EACF to have a heart that grieves over the lostness of our community. Pray that we would see things as Jesus sees them, with a heavy heart.

Let's keep praying! I'm praying for you!

- Pastor David

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