Saturday, January 6, 2018

Forty Days of Prayer Day 6

Take 5, 10, or 30 minutes or more to pray for this topic. Lift up prayers periodically throughout the day. Include it in a line in your prayer before meals. Pray continually!

Acts 2:42 ESV
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."

Day 6 - Fellowship
Today, we will pray for Biblical, Christ-emulating fellowship for our church family to experience. The verse above talks about how the early church was devoted to four things, and we can figure out some of what being devoted to the Word, worship, and prayer looks like, but what about being devoted to fellowship? Maybe it starts with a heart that is less self-concerned and more other-concerned. After all, Jesus has us covered, so we can think more about loving others than getting love. Praying for a heart that looks to serve others like Christ-served us? Sounds good. And then we build relationships that go deeper, that spur spiritual growth, that breeds accountability in grace, that multiplies love.

Now, what would a church filled with godly fellowship look like? My prayer for you is that you would experience this, that we all would, with our EACF family!

Let's keep praying! I'm praying for you!

- Pastor David

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