Monday, March 12, 2018

Lenten Readings: John 2

Lenten Readings: The two-year Bible reading plan puts the Gospel accounts of Luke and John right between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Whether you're doing the reading plan or not, you can follow along on the blog and read daily meditations based on the accounts of Jesus, whose life and death we remember and cherish during this season of Lent. Check back every day starting on February 14 and until Easter Saturday.

Monday, March 12, 2018
READ John 2
MEDITATE on John 2:18, "So the Jews said to him, 'What sign do you show us for doing these things?'" John records seven miraculous signs of Jesus and seven "I am" statements (e.g. "I am the light of the world"). And still some did not believe Jesus. Do you believe? What does it mean to believe?

The combination of the water being turned into wine and the cleansing of the temple began to show the disciples that Jesus was powerful over the nature of things and that he had authority to teach them. Jesus was the real Messiah, and the Lord or authority over all things.

But my eleventh grade counselor told me I had a problem with authority figures. But here we are going from the explanation of Jesus' identity in John 1 to seeing how that actually transforms relationships. So the challenge today is for us to recognize and submit to his authority. There is more that God wants to do in us and through us. Are you following Jesus?

Pray for a growing awareness of Jesus' identity and presence in our lives, and of his plan to use us to transform the lives of others. Pray for submission to his Lordship in your life.

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