Monday, March 5, 2018

Lenten Readings: Luke 19

Lenten Readings: The two-year Bible reading plan puts the Gospel accounts of Luke and John right between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Whether you're doing the reading plan or not, you can follow along on the blog and read daily meditations based on the accounts of Jesus, whose life and death we remember and cherish during this season of Lent. Check back every day starting on February 14 and until Easter Saturday.

Monday, March 5, 2018
READ Luke 19
MEDITATE on Luke 19:41, "And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it." Have you ever wept over someone's estrangement from God? Have you ever wept over your own sin? Have you cried over the sins of others hurting you?

Jesus had "set his face toward Jerusalem" back in Luke 9 and now finally makes his entry into Jerusalem for his passion week ending with the cross and the resurrection. Our Lenten observance is about half over as we anticipate Easter.

The ritual of Lent is supposed to make us more aware and sensitive to our spiritual state. How are you doing? We are trying to grow in awareness of God's presence with us all the time and to interact with God throughout the day. Meditating on a bit of his Word in the morning is something that is supposed to stay with us throughout the day (and throughout the week following our Sunday worship services). After all, God is always with us. The Spirit is leading us. His grace is over us. And His Word calls us to "pray continually" and to "abide" in Him.

When our relationship with God is filled with more distance than intimacy, when it is "managed" by infrequent occasional chilly dates, we're missing out. And when people don't know God, Jesus weeps. People who are without God are missing out on His love, joy, peace, and grace. Pray for your own intimacy with Christ to grow, and hurt over the ones around you who do not know Jesus.

Pray for God's help to "pray continually" and to acknowledge God's presence and love over you throughout each day. And pray for three people around you who do not know Jesus. (Maybe you can do this one daily, too!)

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