Monday, December 21, 2020

Advent 2020, Mon., 12/21 - Matthew 23

What motivates us to look toward Jesus? Our need and His goodness. It is not our goodness.

PRAY for God to help us to see Jesus with humble eyes and greater vision.

READ Matthew 23.

This whole chapter is not only an itemization of false spirituality of the Pharisees and scribes, but it is also a description of false religion and false relationships with God. The details are specific and graphic: hypocritical issuing of prescriptive spirituality, public displays of religiosity for show, focus on titles, judgment and producing judgmental disciples, disregard for the temple and God's presence and character, neglect of justice, mercy, and faithfulness, being filled with greed and indulgence, being unclean and dead on the inside, guiltily disregarding God's prophets and prophecy, unwillingness to go to Jesus. The list is exhausting. They were daily and truly distant from God. But they had an appearance of godliness. How sad and how misleading!

How much of the list do you think applies today? How many people have been hurt or led astray by thoughts or teachings that sound spiritual but are actually distant from God? Any teaching or thought that leads us away from God, His love, and His call to love others is a sign of false spirituality. What temptations are tugging at your own heart? What does true spirituality look like if this chapter provides mostly the negative (false) side of spirituality? Have you fallen for a superficial relationship with God, or does your faith seem stronger?

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