Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Advent 2020, Tue., 12/15 - Matthew 17

Advent is a time of hope, hoping and believing that God is doing more. Let us read with hope and faith!

PRAY and ask God to help you see Jesus, that we would put our faith in Him as we read His Word.

READ Matthew 17.

There are some events that occur in the life of Jesus with His disciples that must have really been mind-blowing. The Transfiguration event was one of those. Peter, James, and John "fell on their faces and were terrified" (6). Jesus gets them up and builds them up, telling them they need not be afraid. Afterward they witness more miracles, hear prophecy and teaching, and see how Jesus navigates earthly life. It must have been hard to fit the pieces together - Jesus was fully God and yet submitted to human governmental authority?! - but they had a front-row seat to see it all.

The events that revealed Jesus' deity were meant to stir the disciples to greater faith. They would need it, for when Jesus went to the cross, it really wrecked them. But God had demonstrated His power, and their experiences with Jesus would later all fit together with His sacrificing Himself for mankind - He was truly fully God and fully man and able to be the atoning sacrifice. How much faith do we need to be saved? Just a mustard seed-sized faith. It's not about how much faith we have, but about how great the One in whom we put that faith. So, how well do you grasp the greatness of Jesus? Are you in awe, fearful of Him? Take another look. Jesus is greater! And when we see it, His greatness transforms our lives, because He really is our Savior! Hallelujah! Praise God today for His ability to save us! And His willingness and desire to do so! Tell someone about how great Jesus is!

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