Friday, February 16, 2018

Lenten Readings: Luke 3

Lenten Readings: The two-year Bible reading plan puts the Gospel accounts of Luke and John right between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Whether you're doing the reading plan or not, you can follow along on the blog and read daily meditations based on the accounts of Jesus, whose life and death we remember and cherish during this season of Lent. Check back every day starting on February 14 and until Easter Saturday.

READ: Luke 3 

MEDITATE on Luke 3:18, "So with many other exhortations he preached good news to the people." How does the Good News come with exhortations? What is a proper response to Christ's offer and sacrifice for us to experience grace?

The aftermath of the school shooting in Florida blankets our consciousness: we want to fix this and get beyond this but it seems to be getting worse. Debates about policy remind me of the Pharisees' approach: fence people away from guns and it'll stop the problem. But the heart goes unaddressed.

The grace that God gives us pierces our hearts in order to excise the sinful cancer inside. God's grace cleanses us from our sin and our sinfulness! He doesn't just reroute our patterns of behavior; He gives us renewed hearts.

This is what we really hope for, because this is what we really need.

Pray for our hearts to be revived to love God and to love those around us, even when it is difficult and requires the Spirit's help to love those around us. That is the same love God gave us. As many people celebrate Lunar New Year this weekend, take time to pray for new hearts (Ezekiel 36:26) filled with Christ's love!

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Ephesians 4:29 Memory/Meditation

 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, so that it gives grac...