Sunday, March 11, 2018

Lenten Readings: John 1

Lenten Readings: The two-year Bible reading plan puts the Gospel accounts of Luke and John right between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Whether you're doing the reading plan or not, you can follow along on the blog and read daily meditations based on the accounts of Jesus, whose life and death we remember and cherish during this season of Lent. Check back every day starting on February 14 and until Easter Saturday.

Sunday, March 11, 2018
READ John 1
MEDITATE on John 1:41, "[Andrew] first found his own brother Simon and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which means Christ).” Andrew was following John the Baptist and was excited to meet Jesus. He has faith to know Jesus was God's sent Savior, but how much do you think he really understood what Jesus was going to do? What do you know and what do you not yet know about Jesus?

Oh, there are times when I think I have a pretty good grasp on God and God's place in my life. I've read the Bible, and I've prayed, and I've been leading and doing things for a while now. But I must beware when I feel like I've wrapped my mind around who God is and what God is doing.

God has revealed Himself to us, but we have not really exhausted all there is to learn and know about God. This doesn't mean we cannot know Him. Jesus' arrival meant that all mankind has been invited to know God the Son and to have a relationship, a friendship, with Him. But what is exciting is that we get to keep exploring and marveling at how good God is. There should never be a time when we are not in awe of God's glory or not humbled by His greatness. Finding the Messiah is just the beginning.

So if you feel like you're not growing in your relationship with God, it's not that you're done growing. More likely, we're not seeing God right. So look again at the Scriptures and pray for fresh eyes and a humbled heart.

Pray for a child-like awe before the Lord. Pray for humility. John clearly states Jesus' identity several times through John 1, but we need to pray to remember again, Jesus is God's Son, the Messiah, the Word, God, Creator, Sustainer, True Light, King of Israel, life-giver, source of grace upon grace.

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