Thursday, March 22, 2018
READ John 12
MEDITATE on John 12:4–5, "But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, 'Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?'" There are many people who claim to endeavor for good, but some of these do not honor Christ. Can someone be good without a relationship with Jesus?
Sometimes evil disguises itself as good, but the test is how one responds to Jesus. If you have not dealt with your sin, the temptation is to see the good you do as merit. But there is never enough merit to offset the bad that you have done. That's the trick and the test: evil hides or minimizes sin, but those who know Christ are humbled by sin and turn to Christ for salvation.
Judas disagreed with Jesus. His objection to Mary's honoring of Jesus was an attempt to cover over his thieving ways. But Jesus knew. This story scares me a little bit. How many people are there today who are around Jesus but who do not actually love him? How many people attend church each week but who are there for themselves or for the good vibes but who do not honor Christ above all? The test comes when we're called to worship and to sacrifice for Christ. Judas was exposed.
But he was the only one. The other eleven were not. They failed Jesus, and they struggled, but they were humbled by Christ's Spirit and turned to Jesus to receive salvation.
As we approach the end of Lent, would you die to yourself, hear Jesus' call, and put him first above all other things?
Pray for God's work on your heart. Pray for the Spirit to shake you from idols. Pray for humility before God and man. And thank God for loving us despite our struggles.
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