Sunday, March 25, 2018
READ John 15
MEDITATE on John 15:4, "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." What does God supply for us when we abide in Him?
We have a pine tree in our backyard that I have to have taken down - it's no healthy. There are pine needles at the top of this 35-foot tree, but there are no pine cones. If this tree is not doing anything to produce fruit and to reproduce trees, then it is not healthy and will eventually fall down on its own because it is compromised.
A person who claims to be Christian but is not producing fruit is unhealthy - something has gone wrong in his or her relationship with Jesus. How can we become healthy again? By abiding in Christ. How do we abide? Jesus says we follow his commands. When we are regularly in his Word and regularly praying, when we are submitting our hearts and minds to his Spirit, we are abiding. The Spirit reminds us of Jesus' words, secures us in his grace, applies the work of Christ in our lives. Really, God makes the growth happen if we would only be present with him.
When we abide we will bear fruit. God will bear fruit in our lives. How does your life look when you are bearing fruit for Christ?
Pray for fruitfulness for yourself and for other Christians around you. Pray for those who are not bearing fruit, that God would revive them!
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