Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lenten Readings: Luke 20

Lenten Readings: The two-year Bible reading plan puts the Gospel accounts of Luke and John right between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Whether you're doing the reading plan or not, you can follow along on the blog and read daily meditations based on the accounts of Jesus, whose life and death we remember and cherish during this season of Lent. Check back every day starting on February 14 and until Easter Saturday.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
READ Luke 20
MEDITATE on Luke 20:25, "He said to them, 'Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.'" It's tax season so we get a sense of what belongs to the government. But what are the "things that are God's"?

It's noteworthy that Jesus actually acknowledges the earthly kingdom of Caesar and the tax system in place. He submitted himself fully as a man in order to then fully take on the burden of our sin and to gift to us his righteousness earned through his perfect obedience.

We pay our taxes. Sometimes we participate in the governing of this land. When it comes to rendering to God what belongs to Him, we may not even think about what this means. All we have and all we are belongs to God. So how do you render to God what is His?

Pray for surrender, that your entire life would be open and available to how God wants to work. Pray not to hold onto your lifestyle, reputation, or desires so tightly that they keep you from following God's lead. And pray for God to lead you!

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