Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Advent 2020, Tuesday, Dec. 1 - Mt. 3

We're going to use a quick format for reading, reflecting upon, and responding to God's Word.

PRAY and thank God for one way aspect of His character (e.g. holiness, grace, love, kindness, patience)!
READ Matthew 3.
John the Baptist preached a message of repentance and challenged those who felt falsely secure in their relationships with God. He knew that Jesus was God, and that any and every sin would render us unholy before God. We need to recognize the authority of Jesus to judge us. Only then can we really understand the grace that He extended to us. Only then does the humility and obedience that He demonstrates by letting John baptize Him make sense.

When you think of Jesus Christ, does His name connote power and authority to judge you and your life? Or do you only think of Jesus like your friend who affirms you and lets you do what you want? God warns us in His Word not to make God/Jesus in our image (Romans 1, Exodus 20, etc.)! We need to ask God to help us have a restored view of Jesus in all His power and authority. We need to confess our sin of acting like Jesus isn't powerful and acting like Jesus doesn't have something to say about how we've been living in this world. And when we have a high view of Jesus, His incarnation becomes more amazing, beautiful, and kind. Take a moment (or all day) and really worship Jesus today! 

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