Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Advent 2020, Wed., 12/9 - Matthew 11

Everyday we are thankful for God's presence with us and God's promises to us!

PRAY and give thanks to God for His faithful presence with us this morning! Ask for Him to speak to you again.

READ Matthew 11.

I'm sure John the Baptist was tired by this point in his life - he was in prison! He also may have wondered about how much faith he could put in Jesus and God's promises. John had lived a life of dedicated ministry, and he'd been challenged by authorities, criticized by the public, and shunned by many. But God had used him, and there was no denying that God had used his words and deeds to transform some people's lives. While much of the world chooses comfort and convenience, Jesus' disciple are called to give up worldly pleasures for the sake of glorifying God and ministering to others, for the sake of loving God and loving others. God gives us strength, just like Jesus gave John the encouragement he needed. We can trust in God's presence and promises! 

How tempted are you to say no to Jesus and to say yes to the comforts of this world? Many people push our dealings with God to an end-of-life concern, and then we get busy with living our "best life now." Jesus said if we seek our lives we will lose them, but if we give up our lives for His sake, we will find true life. Following Jesus requires sacrifice. But when we need rest, encouragement, or strength, God will provide. Ask God for what you need today. Pray for others you know that need God's encouraging rest and strength! 

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