Sunday, December 20, 2020

Advent 2020, Sun., 12/20 - Matthew 22

What is our posture before our King? How do we honor Jesus as we celebrate Him?

PRAY for God to humble us before Him as we read His Word.

READ Matthew 22.

Jesus, as He visits Jerusalem and interacts with the leaders of the Jewish people, the Pharisees and Sadducees, two religious sects within Judaism. Neither group wanted Jesus to disrupt things because acknowledging His authority meant losing their authority over the people. Jesus called them out. In the parable of the wedding feast, the expected guests were the Jewish people who had the position to warrant their invitation but who lacked the relationship to respond to God's invitation. They were focused on their business or personal pursuits over the King's call. The shocking part is where Jesus said they killed the king's servants. The king "destroyed" them. This would have aroused the anger of the Jewish leaders, for they felt entitled but they did not recognize God even as He sat in front of them. They tried to trick Him, but He astounded them with His wisdom and authority. And in the end, "And no one was able to answer him a word, nor from that day did anyone dare ask him any more questions" (46).

It's funny how often in my relationship with God I try to argue with Him about things. "Lord, please make this person change!" But God wants me to change! "Lord, please change these circumstances to suit me." But God wants me to change more than circumstances. My heart needs to be called out and dealt with. But His call to an His dine with Him! It's an invitation to be in His presence and to enjoy His blessings and all that He's prepared. And all that's required is that I let go of the meager things that have been distracting me, prepare myself (moreso my heart than my clothes, though the latter may indicate just how well I took care of the former), and respond to the invitation. That's it! Who turns down an invitation to dinner? Someone who things they either don't belong there or are too good to go. The Gospel calls us out of either of those false notions, but calls us to true joy in the presence of the King, dining at His table. Let's say yes to this invitation. Let's go!

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