Saturday, December 19, 2020

Advent 2020, Sat., 12/19 - Matthew 21

Celebrating Jesus is about celebrating our King!

PRAY for God to give you a heart of worship in acknowledging who Jesus is today as your read.

READ Matthew 21.

This chapter begins with the triumphal entry, a coronation parade for the King coming into the capital city. But the humble king rode in on a donkey, and that had to be borrowed! After cleaning the temple out, Jesus did not even stay in the city but went to nearby Bethany. The cursing of the fig tree and the parables of the two sons and the tenants expose the disobedience of God's people, their refusal to follow God as their king. That "the priests and the elders of the people" question His authority, again, after three years of His ministry and teaching, really demonstrates their stubbornness and distance from God. And for all of that, Jesus would give His life as a sacrifice for His lost sheep.

The fact that Jesus had to borrow a donkey demonstrates His humble status - He didn't own anything. But when you think about it, the fact that He could simply tell His disciples that the donkey would be there and they would have no problems taking it, well, that showed that Jesus really did "own" everything. He is God, everything is in His control. So this entire chapter demonstrates that Jesus, the powerful King, humbled Himself to suffer as a human being and to take on our sin, our lack of worship, our disobedience, and our punishment for all these things. He did it willingly. He came to Jerusalem willingly. His will is to save us. His love and compassion are for us. His gracious choice elects us. His sacrifice redeems us. We should marvel at His plan to save us. We should marvel as His love.

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