Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Advent 2020, Tue., 12/22 - Matthew 24

Advent is about anticipating Jesus' birth, which initiated His Kingly administration; we also anticipate His return, which will bring His reign to fullness.

PRAY for God to help us long for and look for Christ's return.

READ Matthew 24.

Jesus says a lot of things here. We have to admit some of it is scary. The disciples were marveling at the temple's splendor (the Second Temple, when Herod expanded upon the rebuilt version of Ezra), but Jesus launches into a terrific and, at times, horrifying description of what is to come. False christs, who will "lead many astray," wars and rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes, and more. He even mentions vultures! There will be for the followers of Jesus tribulation and even death! "You will be hated by all nations for my name's sake." And we'll lose some who call themselves Christians, and they will even "betray one another and hate one another." That sounds a lot like what's happened in 2020! False prophets, lawlessness, and "the love of many will grow cold." But the gospel will be proclaimed. And the Son of Man will come, though it will be unexpected. We must be ready.

Broad brush strokes - there's a lot here and it sounds like the world is going to rot. Are we alarmed or surprised? We shouldn't be, 'for this must take place, but the end is not yet" (6). So even when some who we thought were Christian seem to lose their faith, and in sad and devastating ways, we can grieve while not being surprised. I'm thankful for these warnings that Jesus gives. He needed to alert His disciples for some difficult things they were going to face in the near future (the Romans defiled the temple in 70AD), and alert us for things that we are experiencing in the distant future (from their perspective). In seeing these things happening, it makes us 1) aware of our need for Jesus to make things right, and 2) long for Jesus' return. And Advent is about looking forward to when the troubles of this world will cease because Jesus has come back. We still need Jesus. We need to tell others to turn to Jesus. And we need to pray as we wait for Jesus to return. God, help us to put our faith in you every day!

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