Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Advent 2020, Wed., 12/23 - Matthew 25

Advent brings up a question: do we want Jesus? Do we want the meaning of His first coming to define our lives? Do we want Him to come again?

PRAY for God to give us hearts that are right with Him and ears to hear Him today.

READ Matthew 25.

The parable of the virgins highlights an attitude of anticipation and expectation - when we want to honor and celebrate Christ, we will prepare and prioritize accordingly. When we do not do so, our lack of preparedness indicates our real heart attitude toward Christ. That's one big point here. And the parable of the talents highlights another. Each of the three servants had the same master. While the first two saw the master's expectation of productivity as an opportunity for blessing, the third servant saw the master's role in a negative light. Again, our behavior indicates the condition of our hearts. If we fear, avoid, or refuse accountability with our Heavenly Father and Master, then we really do not respect Him, revere Him, or regard Him with love. Instead, we take the good things He's given to us and turn them into bad things - a burden, a chore, or a compulsion. It only feels forced because our hearts are not open to Him. The separation of the sheep and the goats based on behavior is simply a revelation of their/our heart conditions and dispositions toward God.

I'm reading this chapter and I'm praying: Lord, what is the condition of my heart? In what ways does sin dominate me and hinder me from preparing for you and serving you? If I haven't surrendered my sin and my heart, then I haven't appreciated the first coming of Jesus. He came and gave His life to ransom me and many others. He's broken my relationship with sin. If I do not live in estrangement from sin, if I instead cohabitate and indulge my vanity and self-centeredness, then I am not loving Jesus. And if I am not working hard for Christ, then I am not anticipating and appreciating the Second Coming. I am distracted and I've lost connection with Christ and His purposes. So, Lord, let me again check my heart and attitude toward You, my Master. Have Your way in my life!

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